ARaymond China QC Innovation Day in YAPP

ARaymond China QC Innovation Day in YAPP

On November 9th 2010 ARaymond China visited Yapp, one of the largest manufacturers of fuel tanks and the market leader for the automobile industry in China.

ARaymond China QC Innovation Day in YAPP
ARaymond China QC Innovation Day in YAPP

The target of such a visit was multiple :
- to inform young fuel system design engineers on AR quick connectors as well as on their many applications ;
- to present the AR quick connectors range;
- to deepen the mutual cooperation, especially as far as huge international projects are concerned;
- to enhance the relationship between ARaymond China and YAPP.

YAPP is an important plastic fuel tank maker whose main customers are the first OEMs in China. In China YAPP Group have many local branch companies: Shanghai YAPP, Changchun YAPP, Wuhan YAPP, Chongqing YAPP, Yangzhou YAPP etc.
The headquarter and R&D center of YAPP Group is located in Yangzhou.
These two latter ones are AR China key partners for most of its businesses.
The other YAPP locations mostly deal with production.

ARaymond China has a very good relationship with YAPP for 10 years. Most of AR China quick connectors’ business with Chinaust Group and other tube makers and OEM’s is possible and positive thanks to this collaboration.

This visit to YAPP was thus more than worthy for ARaymond China. It has been the opportunity to strengthen their close collaboration and to highlight the potential for improvement while reinforcing ARaymond China’s added value and expertise:
- Presentation of the ARaymond China company, one of the market leaders of fuel line quick connectors in China.
- Presentation of quick connector production, introduction of new product ranges
- Proposal of innovative solutions - better than any competitors!

ARaymond China QC Innovation Day in YAPP